EVOTION at World Congress of Audilogy, Cape Town
Gaberielle (Gaby) Saunders from Oticon presents EVOTION as “Big Data and decision support for Public Health Hearing Policies” in the special session “eHealth in Audiology: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges” organized by Gabriella Tognola from Polytechnico Milan, Italy (this is another University in Milan than the EVOTION partner University of Milan).
To read more about the World Congress of Audilogy go to https://easternsun.eventsair.com/QuickEventWebsitePortal/wca-congress-2018/worldaudiologycongress2018/Agenda.
Gaby will also present “Measuring hearing aid outcomes using ecological momentary assessment” in the session on “Challenges in Audiology. Why measure? What to measure? How to measure?” organized by Melanie Ferguson from University of Nottingham, UK.