Work Package
Report download link
WP 1 Project Management 727521 EVOTION D1.1 Project Website and Communication infrastructure.pdf
WP 2 Requirements and Design 727521 EVOTION D2.1 Stakeholders, Scenarios and Requirements
727512 EVOTION D2.2 Architecture and Detailed Design
WP 3 Development of PHPDM models 727521 EVOTION D3.1 First PHPDM
727521 EVOTION D3.2 Second PHPDM
WP 5 EVOTION components 727521 EVOTION D5.4 Mobile App
727521 EVOTION D5.5 BDA Engine
727521 EVOTION D5.6 Decision Support System
727521 EVOTION D5.7 Auditory Training component
727521 EVOTION D5.8 SoMe Policy Campaigning&Feedback tool
727521 EVOTION D5.9 Platform Dashboard and Visualisation
WP 6 Solution Integration and Delivery 727521 EVOTION D6.1 Integrated EVOTION Platform version1
WP 8 Impact Assessment, exploitation and dissemination 727521 EVOTION D8.1 First Dissemination Report
727521 EVOTION D8.2 Second dissemination Report
727521 EVOTION D8.4 First Market Analysis Report
727521 EVOTION D8.5 Second Market Analysis Report

Some of above Deliverable reports contains concrete ‘Demonstrators’ in different forms which may be found via the links shown below:


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